Monday 16 February 2015

Useful Tips for Facing Board Exams – 2015

During February and March months were exam times for who are all appearing for their board exams of 10th or 12th. Students are very nervous, and their parents are even more worried than their children for their higher studies.

We can face these exams like other exams, and then students are advised to follow certain basic things, so that they easily take up these exams.

First one is sleeping, at the exam time it’s common for students to decrease the sleeping hours as the exams get closer. It is proved, that the students who are being sleep well for 6-7 hours on night, are getting more concentrate on their studies and preforming well. In an exam days the students are advised to do yoga practices on every early morning to make up their mind and body be energetic and fresh.

Second one is food i.e. balanced diet on the exam days be helpful throughout the day. Students can have fresh juices, nuts and green vegetables. Home-made food are advisable for the students are be good too. The most part is taking up 8-10 glasses of water per day more important.

Third one is remembering the Syllabus, every year most of the syllabus doesn’t change fully, very few changes only done. Every student have to, understand the marking system given by the board. This will be more helpful to make concentrate on areas which high weight-age of marks given to each chapter and study smartly.

Solving previous years question papers and Q-Banks are the best way to get experience on the exams and make helpful to judge the questions overall and give more importance to the repeated questions asking every year. After solving a couple of mock tests, the students can realize where they want to stand and what part they need to focus on the most important chapters.

 At last some of the tips like visiting your exam centre in advance, Keep everything ready on the exam day. While answering Your Paper, Read all the instructions carefully before writing answers. Answer all questions clearly, by stating and explaining each point. Manage your time carefully, do not spend too much time in answering a particular question. If you are stuck with a question, skip to next and come back to it.

Once the exam is over, a very usual and scary activity is, discuss the question papers with others. Do not make attempt that and nothing is going to change now. Remember, Board exams are just one step to your successful career remind in your mind.